The human disaster known as Donald Trump

TrumpAs I write this it has been just over a year since Donald Trump was sworn in office as the 45th president of the United States.  This past year has seen un-paralleled disaster for the citizens of this country.  That disaster has included comical interludes with the media that began almost immediately after his inauguration about the size, not of his hands but of the crowds in attendance to the 98 times and counting  Mr. Trump has gone to his properties to play golf  after a campaign in which he heavily criticized Barack Obama for his golf trips to the insanely obnoxious and comical cabinet meeting  that was more servile and self-serving than substantive.

But Mr. Trump’s disasters are far more serious with far-reaching implications for Americans.  Woefully incompetent people he has nominated for offices whose services Americans have come to rely on a daily basis as well in times of need are unable to meet their responsibilities because of a limited grasp of what their duties are or because such departments are understaffed.

U.S. President Donald Trump throws rolls of paper towels to a crowd in Puerto Rico

The hurricane disaster which struck Puerto Rico and the inadequate relief efforts still plague the citizens of that island 150 days later. How is it that the country with the largest, most robust economy is unable to bring electricity to its citizens for a full 132 days after a natural disaster is an indication of how nonchalant the US administration took the crisis of  Puerto Rico.

Mr. Trump’s clumsy statesmanship vis-a-vis North Korea is not only troublesome but perilous.  Bringing America and the Korean peninsula closer to war with sophomoric insults aimed at a volatile and treacherous despot is not befitting the President of the strongest, mightiest country in the world. Yet ignoring all advice he most certainly has received from those he’s chosen to advise him, Mr. Trump seems determined to take the path most embarrassing and detrimental to the Nation he represents.

There’s the even worse spectacle that just after a year in office scores of people have resigned or been fired under Mr. Trump either because of ideological differences or because they weren’t inclined to bow far enough at the waist as a sign of allegiance to the person, Donald Trump and not to the institutions his office represents. Yet the country labors on with Trump as its head and the beginning of his second year in office seems destined to be as bad, if not worse than his first year.

How seriously can a president who wants to arm 20% of teachers in schools as a response to the school massacre that took place in Florida where 17 students/teachers were killed be taken? And this was not the first mass shooting Mr. Trump has had to deal with during his Administration….Indeed there have been 10 events over the last year involving firearms with 112 people killed yet he is no better able to deal with the latest massacre than he was with the first. Mr. Trump seems to take his direction from that fraction of the GOP that talks to chairs with the same results that there is no communication and as a result, nothing gets done. The country should be used to that happening whenever there is mass shooting……nothing gets done but the incompetence of the Trump administration makes it that much harder to accept.